Show room
Show room

Elevating Safety and Functionality to New Heights

To advance the safety and functionality of research environments and equipment to a new heights, we have established the "Technical Research Institute" as our research and development hub. This institute focuses on enhancing the performance of existing products, developing new products, evaluating environmental and functional aspects, collaborating with customers to solve research site challenges, engaging in industry-academia partnerships with universities and research institutions, and fostering technological collaborations with overseas manufacturers possessing exceptional expertise. Our commitment extends to addressing the core technology of solving research environment challenges.

IoT and Smart Technology

IoT and Smart Technology

Advancements in IoT and ICT technologies have led to the widespread adoption of smart solutions in various fields such as smart cities and smart homes. We are dedicated to daily development efforts to promote the smartification of research facilities.

Airflow Control Technology

Airflow Control Technology

For the safe and proper management of laboratories, including exhaust/ventilation, room pressure control, and cleanliness control, technology to control airflow is essential. We consider "airflow control technology" as a crucial core technology, continuously working on developing new technologies and further advancing existing ones.


Exhaust Gas Purification Technology

Emissions from laboratories are subject to various regulations from an environmental protection perspective. In many cases, the installation of exhaust gas purification equipment is mandatory. To realize a lush and sustainable society, we are engaged in the development of exhaust gas purification technology and its performance evaluation.

Please feel free to contact us if you are interested in visiting our showroom
