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A new style of exhaust hood with improved safety,
energy efficiency and comfort

Beautiful shape, pleasant operating tones and spotlights to create a bright, airy work space
A piano-inspired design with a blend of sophistication and functional beauty




Open work space
designed for operability

Unlike conventional fume hoods, this fully open workspace without a front sash and side walls offers excellent airiness and ease of use. Users can turn the hood on or off with their foot, allowing safe work even with full hands.


Pleasant operating tones
make science more fun

The unit plays pleasant piano tones.
The lights illuminate your work area as if spotlighting pianist playing on a stage.

Listen to startup sound:

Listen to shutdown sound:


High containment
by push-pull airflow

The air flow coming out of the push unit and the suction provided by the pull unit together create an air curtain.
This combination completely contain harmful gases with the least amount of exhaust airflow.


Lower airflow,
energy efficiency

The unique airflow control technology efficiently traps harmful gases, significantly reducing the exhaust airflow needed. This lowers HVAC costs and lessens environmental impact.

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